Ward roney jr.
POST 7511 - AUX 7511
Monroe WA

Displaying and Honoring the flag of the united states of America
Care and Respect
The U.S. Flag should always be treated with the utmost respect. Remember, the flag represents a living country and, as such, is considered a living thing.
Always display the flag with the blue union field up - never display the flag upside down, except as a distress signal.
Always hold the flag carefully - never let it touch anything beneath it: the ground, floor, or water.
Always keep the flag aloft and free - never carry it flat or horizontally.
Always keep the flag clean and safe - never let in become torn, soiled, or damaged.
Always dispose of a worn flag properly, VFW Post7511 has a flag "Drop Box" outside of our post.
~125 E. Main St, Monroe, WA 98272~
Displaying the flag properly
Because the flag is the symbol of our country, it should always be displayed in the most prominent, most honored position. No other flag should ever appear more important.
On a wall: When the flag is displayed on a wall, it should be displayed with the union uppermost and to the observer's left.
In Multi-National Flag Displays: In the United States, the U.S. Flag is to be displayed first -- to "its own right" -- followed by the flags of all other countries (at equal height and in alphabetical order ) to the left (observer's right ) of the U.S. Flag.
Among Subordinate Flags: When the U.S. Flag is among a group of subordinate flags, the U.S. Flag should be at the center and the highest point -- the position of prominence.
Displayed From a Staff: When displayed from a staff, the flag should hold the position of superior prominence , in advance of the audience, and to the speaker's right (facing the audience). If other flags are also displayed, they should be displayed to the speaker's left.
On a Pole: When several flags are flown from the same pole, the U.S. Flag should always be at the top -- except during church services by naval chaplains at sea when the church pennant may be flown above the U.S. Flag on the ship's mast.
On a Lapel: When the flag is displayed as a lapel pin, it should be worn on the left lapel -- near the heart.
Among Peers: When flags from two or more nations are displayed, the flag code forbids the display of any nation's flag in a position superior to another in time of peace. Therefore, each flag should be of approximately equal size and flown at the same height. The United Nations Headquarters in New York City, where the U.N. Flag holds the most prominent position, is the only U.S. location exempt from this provision.
Formal Occasions
Parades and Reviews: In parades and reviews, at the moment the flag passes, non-uniformed persons should stand at attention facing the flag with there right hands over there heart's. Persons in uniform and veterans should face the flag and render the military salute
Processions: In processions, the flag should be to the right of the marchers. When other flags are included, the U.S. Flag should be centered in front of the others or carried to there right.
Memorials, Burials, and Funerals: During these services, the flag should lay over the casket with the union covering the head and left shoulder. The flag must not be lowered into the grave or allowed to touch the ground at any time.
Flying at half-staff
Flying the U.S. flag at half-staff, or on a ship at half-mast, is an honored tradition which signifies that the nation is in mourning due to the death of a prominent citizen.
However, generally speaking, the U.S. Flag should be flown at half-staff only upon the death of principal figures of the U.S. Government and the governor of a state, territory, or possession, as a mark of respect to their memory.
When desiring to honor someone who has died but for whom a half-staff display is not appropriate, National Flag Foundation recommends adhering to the flag code by lowering private flags to half-staff (e.g., corporate, fraternal, military etc.). This substitution preserves the integrity of the "nation in mourning" distinction while allowing appropriate mourning for the deceased.
To position the flag at half-staff, first hoist the flag to the peak of staff for an instant before lowering it to the half-staff position -- roughly halfway between the top and bottom of the staff. Before lowering it for the day, raise the flag again to the peak for and instant, lower the flag.
Folding the Flag
Step 1: Begin with the flag parallel to the floor. It is best to use two people when folding the flag.

Step 2: Fold the flag in half lengthwise, crossing the red and white stripes over the top of the union.

Step 3: Holding the flag so that the union is toward the ground, fold the flag in half again lengthwise, bringing the folded edge up to meet the open edge (as shown) so that the union is on the outside.

Step 4: Starting with the striped end of the folded flag, fold the bottom corner up to meet the open edge of the flag creating a triangular shape.

Step 5: Fold the triangle section towards the union, aligning the outside edge along the top.

Step 6: Continue folding down and across in this manner until the final corner remains.

Final: Your final shape should be a blue triangle with stars on both sides.